Does Insurance Cover Roof Hail Damage?

roof hail damage

Hail can wreak real havoc on your roof. It can break shingles, dent commercial roofing, and exacerbate existing roofing problems. But there’s no way to protect your roof from hail. It’s a force of nature.

You need to fix your roof after extensive damage, but is roof hail damage covered by insurance? Here’s what property owners need to know in the aftermath of a severe storm.

Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Roof Hail Damage?

Before we give you an answer, it goes without saying that all homeowners insurance policies are different. The goal of dwelling (or commercial) insurance is to provide protection in the event your roof becomes damaged by certain covered perils. While all policies have the same goal, they execute it in different ways.

Many insurance policies do cover fire, wind, and hail damage to the covered property.

Though, some types of houses in some areas may be missing fire coverage and require separate policies, particularly in California. What’s more, some policies can exclude damage from windstorms and hail damage. In some cases, the exclusion of these perils is total. In others, there may be a separate deductible associated with those types of damage

What other exceptions exist?

If the damage pre-dated the storm, then you won’t get help paying for the roof even after a serious storm.

Additionally, some insurers only pay for ‘functional’ roof damage. In other words, they’ll pay for a new roof if the structure is threatened by the damage. But if your roof is dented or otherwise superficially damaged, then you’re on your own.

The good news: Wisconsin homes and commercial buildings are unlikely to see their policies exclude hail damage. Wisconsin falls outside the areas of the U.S. most impacted by hail, and incidents of hail damage aren’t climbing in the state. That means insurers are less likely to exclude it.

How Can You Protect Your Roof?

With summer storm season on its way, you might be wondering if there’s anything you can do to extend the life of your roof.

The answer is yes!

You can order a roof inspection from Heins Contracting in Madison, Wisconsin. Seasonal roof inspections pick up damage that occurred over the long Wisconsin winters. When an inspector can spot damage early, you’re more likely to have a simple, inexpensive fix. Then, summer storms are less likely to do serious damage because your roof is in tip-top shape. What’s more, you’re less likely to see any insurance claim you do make rejected.

It’s also a good idea to have your roof looked at immediately after severe storms accompanied by hail or high winds. You can then have Heins Contracting repair the storm damage and protect your roof from the elements for the rest of the year.

Schedule Your Free Roof Inspection Today

While your Wisconsin dwelling or commercial insurance policy should cover roof hail damage, it’s important to know its limits. Read your policy carefully and identify what kind of coverage you have. Knowing now will help you deal with the aftermath of the storm.

When was the last time you scheduled a roof inspection in Waukesha, Wisconsin? Did you know you can’t see most roof hail damage from the ground? You can get a free roof inspection today. Just call Heins Contracting at (608)-732-9063.

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